Road Association Agreement

The undersigned hereby declare that they shall be members in and obey the by-laws of the New Valley Road Association. This Road Association shall be responsible for carrying out the maintenance of New Valley Road, Digger Pine Lane, and Cedar Way as outlined in the Declaration of Road Maintenance Agreement, attached herein.

The Road Association shall have a Board consisting of 5 members; a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, a Secretary, and a Commissioner-at-Large. Their duties shall be as follows: 

President - Calls an annual general membership meeting (minimum, may call more meetings as needed) and presides over all meetings. Is a signatory on the bank account.

Vice-President - Helps President. Assumes duties in absence of President. Is a signatory on the bank account.

Treasurer - Responsible for receipt and disbursement of all funds. Makes Treasurer's Report for annual meeting and as required by the Board. Prepares and distributes all assessments as approved by the Board. Is a signatory on the bank account.

Secretary - Keeps minutes of meetings. Keeps correspondence and also maintains Association records. Maintains current list of all property owners. Responsible for notification to all property owners of all meetings and Board activities.

Commissioner-at-Large - Interested party. Attends all Board meetings. Performs assignments as needed. Conducts road inspections quarterly and advises President.

The Board Officers shall have a term of 2 years. Staggered elections shall be held with three Board Officers elected one year and the remaining two elected the next. The President, the Treasurer, and the Commissioner-at- Large will be elected one year with the Vice-President and the Secretary elected the next. No two members of the same property ownership can serve on the Board at the same time.

The Board shall establish a bank account and assess yearly dues in amounts necessary to maintain the roads as voted upon by the general membership. There shall be 5 signatories among the Board Officers, with two signatures required on the checks

The Board shall be considered to have a quorum if three officers are present, however, affirmative action requires 3 votes. No absentee or proxy votes may be used by the board members.

The Board can appoint new officers on a temporary basis should this become necessary. The new officers shall serve until the next general meeting at which time an election can be held.

The Board shall have the power to execute contracts, approve disbursement of funds, and take appropriate actions to enforce the road agreement. The Board also has the power to initiate any emergency repairs necessary to maintain travelability on the road. This power to initiate emergency repairs shall include disbursements of funds up to $500.00 [amended by vote].